Why Should I Supply Overages in Parts?

Part overages, also known as component overages, refer to supplying more electronic components (parts) than are actually required for a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly job. These extra components are intentionally provided and serve several important purposes:

During the PCB assembly process, components can occasionally be lost or damaged. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including mishandling, machine errors, or unforeseen accidents. By providing overages, you ensure that there are spare components available to replace any that may be lost or damaged during assembly, reducing the risk of production delays.

Component placement machines (pick-and-place machines) used in PCB assembly must be highly accurate. However, small variations in component dimensions, tape and reel tolerances, or environmental conditions can affect the placement accuracy. Providing overages helps compensate for these variations and ensures that there are enough components to achieve precise placement.

In some cases, components may fail quality checks during assembly due to issues like solder defects or incorrect placements. Overages allow the assembler to replace these faulty components without causing production delays. It also facilitates the rework of solder joints if necessary.

Electronic components can be subject to supply chain fluctuations, including lead time changes, component obsolescence, or variations in component specifications. Providing part overages helps ensure that compatible components are available for the assembly even if there are unexpected changes in component availability or specifications.

In prototype or small-volume production runs, there may be design changes or customizations that require additional components. Having part overages readily available can accommodate these changes without requiring a new component order.

PCB assemblers often aim for continuous production with minimal downtime. By having part overages on hand, the assembler can quickly address any unexpected issues, such as component shortages, without interrupting the assembly process.

Ordering a slightly larger quantity of components than needed can sometimes result in cost savings. Bulk purchases may lead to volume discounts, reduced shipping costs, and lower handling fees, making the extra components cost-effective in the long run.

Providing part overages demonstrates your commitment to the smooth execution of the PCB assembly job. It ensures that we have the resources necessary to meet production deadlines and maintain high-quality standards, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and future collaborations.

It’s important to coordinate the quantity of part overages with Colorado PCB Assembly to strike the right balance between ensuring a smooth assembly process and managing costs. The specific number of overages required may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the assembly, the reliability of the component supply chain, and the production volume.